Loki Trivia Quiz!
"Loki" is a Marvel Cinematic Universe web series. This series is part of the MCU's fourth phase. It is the third television series of Phase Four of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The series is produced by Marvel Studios and was released on Disney+. It is based on a set of events that takes place after the film Avengers: Endgame (2019), in which an alternate version of Loki created a new timeline.
The God of Mischief has returned, and he's even greater than before. Tom Hiddleston, who has played Loki for 11 years, builds on his personality in this show. We adore his character too much to despise him, and now the show is demonstrating just how terrific a character he is.
Loki premiered on June 9, 2021. Its first season, consisting of six episodes, concluded on July 14, 2021, and is part of Phase Four of the MCU. It received positive reviews, with praise for the performances, musical score, and visuals. A second season is in development.
If you haven't seen all of the episodes, be aware that there will be spoilers in this quiz. The final episode of the series is included in this (episode 6). Give it your best effort if you're confident in your guessing abilities and don't mind spoilers. Only a few questions will be answered incorrectly.
This quiz is based on this Marvel Cinematic Universe series. Only true Marvel fans can properly guess all of the answers correctly. If you want to see how well you know the Loki series, take this quiz to find out. Let's get started.
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- This quiz has 20 questions and there is no time limit.
- Each question has 4 options and one of them is the correct option.
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